LEXION Product Tour 1.0.1
Discover the LEXIONThe Product Tour App shows a virtual tour around the LEXION withall new technical features. Take a seat in the cab and experiencethe panoramic view.As a special feature you can have a look at all components ofthe threshing mechanism. Just switch between the diffent layers todiscover the new LEXION.
CLAAS Trends
Die App zu Trends – dem Kundenmagazin aus demHause CLAAS Deutschland. Nutzen Sie die App ab sofort als eMagazinfür Ihr Tablet!Das CLAAS Kundenmagazin TRENDS richtet sich an Landwirte undLohnunternehmer sowie an Interessierte und Fans der Landtechnik.Viermal im Jahr erleben Sie neben technischen Highlights,Reportagen und spannenden Stories jede Menge Erfahrungsberichte vonKunden und Menschen der Landwirtschaft. Tauchen Sie ein in diesaatengrüne CLAAS Welt und erleben Sie verschiedene Events undVeranstaltungen, als wären Sie selbst dabei gewesen.Erfahren Sie alles über die neuesten Maschinen und innovativeSpecials rund um einen der weltweit führenden Hersteller vonLandtechnik. Egal ob Traktoren, Erntemaschinen oder modernstelandwirtschaftliche Informationstechnologie – Trends bietet Ihnenzu allen Themenbereichen vielfältige Informationen undErfolgsgeschichten von Kunden mit CLAAS. Die App ist kostenlos undbietet den kompletten Inhalt der Druckausgabe. Neben der aktuellenAusgabe stehen auch vorherige Ausgaben zur Verfügung.Einfach und bequem zu lesen: Durch Wischen mit dem Finger lassensich die Seiten durchblättern. Das Zoomen auf den Seiten erfolgtdurch Doppel-Tab oder Auf- und Zuziehen. Das Inhaltsverzeichnisbietet eine schnelle Orientierung und leitet durch einen Klickdirekt zum gewünschten Artikel.Holen Sie sich alle Informationen zu moderner Landtechnik aus demHause CLAAS jetzt auf Ihr Tablet.The app on trends - thecustomer magazine of the House CLAAS Germany. Use the app nowavailable as e-magazine for your tablet!The CLAAS customer magazine TRENDS aimed at farmers and contractorsand to interested parties and fans of agricultural machinery. Fourtimes a year you will experience next to the technical highlights,reports and exciting stories a lot of testimonials from clients andpeople in agriculture. Immerse yourself in the seed green CLAASworld and experience various events and shows, than you wereactually there.Find out all about the latest machinery and innovative ideas aroundone of the world's leading manufacturers of agricultural machinery.Whether tractors, harvesters, or the latest agriculturalinformation technology - Trends offers on all topics diverseinformation and customer success stories with CLAAS. The app isfree and offers the complete contents of the print edition. Inaddition to the current issue also previous editions areavailable.Easy and convenient to read: by wiping with your finger to thesides can scroll through. Zooming on the pages is done bydouble-Tab or pinch. The table of contents provides a quickorientation and forwards by clicking directly to the desiredarticle.Get all the information on modern agricultural technology fromCLAAS now on your tablet.
CEMOS Advisor 1.2.42
CEMOS Advisor is making good drivers even better. This optimisationaid for the smartphone helps the driver to configure his combineharvester even more efficiently. The default values in the crop logfor your CLAAS combine harvester provide a useful average foralmost all harvesting conditions, although they generally alsooffer some scope for optimisation. The CEMOS Advisor app gives thedriver recommendations for optimising the machine settings duringthe harvest and can be used with the LEXION, TUCANO and AVERO modelseries. The app guides the driver through the configuration processand therefore improves as a result of continuous learning. Theoptimisation takes place in three stages: - A problem is detectedduring the harvest, e.g. high losses - CEMOS Advisor makes alogical suggestion in terms of settings - The driver adjusts thesettings on the machine, checks the results and, if necessary, asksfor another suggestion. As soon as your machine is optimised, youcan save your machine settings in the app and call them up again ifrequired. CEMOS Advisor also includes a calculation tool for lossanalysis.
Tractor Interactive Guide 0.8.3
The CLAAS Tractor Interactive Guidebringsvirtual reality and augmented reality into the worldofagricultural machines, with clear benefits for the customer.Thepurpose of the guide, supplied as a free app running onsmartphoneand tablet, is to explain the various functions availablein theCLAAS tractor cab.The app does not replace the conventional hard-copy manual,butprovides an easier way to answer some questions aboutcabfunctions. Instead of leafing through the manual, the useronlyneeds to take a photograph of the relevant tractor controlswith asmartphone.The app uses augmented reality technology to locate therequiredcontrol component, which might be anything from a simpleindicatorlight to the CSM (CLAAS Sequence Management). It thentakes just aclick on the smartphone or tablet to bring up anexplanation of therequired function, in the form of an illustratedtext. For some ofthe more complex functions, it is planned toprovide theexplanations in the form of tutorials, to make theinformation moreeasily understandable for users.To locate a particular control component in the cab, the app hasanintegrated search function, operating on the basis ofthetelephone’s position finding system.There is also an option for using the app without having tobesitting in the cab. Instead, virtual reality and VR gogglesareused to create a virtual experience of sitting in the cab (in 2Dor3D).This is a quick and easy way for the user to learn thetractorfunctions even faster, and to get the full benefits of alltheCLAAS assist systems – for optimum user convenience andmaximumperformance.The app is available for all CLAAS tractors with infinitelyvariableCMATIC transmission technology (ARION 500 and 600, AXION800 and900), with further models to be added in the near future.Thecurrently available languages are English and French, and aGermanversion is in preparation.Project Manager : Christophe GOMEZMarketing : Laurent MERON
CLAAS Farm Scout 1.0.80
Welcome to your farm on CLAAS Farm Scout. - Locate the mobilephonesof your group members and keep track of their position -Chat withyour colleagues and the service providers you're friendswith -Display the track lines for your machines - Shareimportantplacemarks (e.g. field entrances, gully covers) withGPScoordinates and photos - Allocate tasks and check up on them(e.g.tidy the workshop, change the oil in the tractor)Harvestingexcellence with CLAAS Farm Scout. Every farmer recognisesthishighly stressful situation: it's harvest time and you need tomakebest use of the short window when the weather and resourcesarejust right. You need to coordinate all your harvest workers,theirimplements and their needs. Questions like "Where are you?","Howmuch of the field have you ploughed?", "Have you gotenoughdiesel?", "Are you on the way to the combine, it's nearlyfull andneeds to unload" generate dozens of phone calls every day,becauseeverybody wants to know exactly what's going on. This iswhere FarmScout comes into its own: the app is designed tooptimisecommunication between workers – through mobile chat and theabilityto display the distance covered, share POIs (e.g. fieldentrances,gully covers) or allocate and check up on tasks. Avoidphone calls,keep track, carry out parallel planning, respondflexibly tochanges – the Farm Scout app makes it all simple.
Fleet View 2.6.201
Fleet View is a nearly real time monitoring tool to improve theinfield logistic
Use of the app is subject to the Conditions of Use forCLAASTelematics/Fleet View mobile apps and to third-partylicenceconditions for third-party software used in theCLAASTelematics/Fleet View mobile apps. By downloading the app,youagree to comply with those conditions. Conditions ofUse: Licensing Terms andConditions: App provides you with an overall view of yourCLAASmachines at any time and anywhere - no matter if they are onthefarm, on the field or on the road. Keep an eye on work progressandidentify problems in the work process quickly. The map showsyouthe positions of the machines and their current workstatus,enabling you to be informed quickly in case of problems.Themachine list shows you the most important performance figuresofall your machines fitted with CLAAS TELEMATICS. Thedetailedmachine view also includes an overall view of currentsettings andperformance data. In addition, current messages fromthe machinesare displayed, enabling you to track the most importanteventsdirectly. The TELEMATICS App also includes an operatingtimeanalysis covering activity and efficiency on each lastharvestingday of the machine. Problems with transport logistics canbeidentified here.
CLAAS connect 1.30.3
CLAAS connect. Your very own world of CLAAS.
CEMOS Advisor
CEMOS Advisor makes good CLAAS combine operators even better
My CLAAS 2.1.0
App for Claasians